借着进一步振兴芝加哥标志性的湖滨及扩大芝加哥经济核心区的机会,布朗兹维尔湖滨 (Bronzeville Lakefront) 开发项目将建在前 Michael Reese Medical Center 原址。这里曾是芝加哥顶级医疗中心之一,在运行了 127 年后于 2008 年关闭。而正如以前的 Michael Reese 医院一样,坐落于芝加哥南区、占地面积超百英亩的布朗兹维尔湖滨也将成为一流的包容性医疗创新中心。
A new center for health sciences innovation
Sheba Medical Center’s Bronzeville Innovation Center is a 500,000-square-foot flexible facility that will connect science, technology and data to achieve a vision of transformative healthcare. Anticipating completion in early 2024, Bronzeville Innovation Center will anchor the first phase of development for the Bronzeville Lakefront master plan.
The Center’s cantilevered design allows half of the building to “float,” opening up the ground level to facilitate seamless movement across the site, preserve views, and provide a welcoming pedestrian experience at street level. The materials are inspired by Bronzeville’s surrounding architectural legacy, including buildings such as the First Church of Deliverance, with its warm colors and textures. Terraces on the east and west facades and expansive green roofs provide spaces for collaboration, relaxing, and socializing. A smart facade responds to the sun and ensures optimal daylighting and shading, while geothermal pumps offset the high-energy demands of operating a life-sciences building.
Building upon the legacy of the Michael Reese Hospital as a home to many “firsts” in medicine and healthcare, the Bronzeville Innovation Center will capitalize on access to local talent and its proximity to major research and medical institutions to establish a new hub for healthcare innovation. Sized and programmed to adapt and scale according to the evolving needs of the Bronzeville Lakefront community, the new innovation center will foster an environment where opportunities for health sciences, life sciences, biotech, technology, and sustainability innovation can thrive.