
The Stratford
The Stratford


  • 状态 已建成
  • 完成年份 2019
  • 尺寸 占地面积: 2,500 平方米 建筑高度: 143 米 楼层数: 42 总建筑面积: 39,299 平方米
  • 出租单位 248
  • 客房 135
  • 奖项
    2012, Best Future Building, LEAF Awards 2019, SEAOI Excellence in Structural Engineering Award, Structural Engineers Association Of Illinois 2021, RIBA London Awards, Royal Institute Of British Architects
  • 合作者
    Martha Schwartz, Inc. Sandy Brown Gordon Ingram Associates WSP David Bonnet Associates (Accessibility Consultant) Arup Group Limited Hoare Lea BMT Defense Services, Ltd Greengage Paul Nulty Lighting Design
  • 状态 已建成
  • 完成年份 2019
  • 尺寸 占地面积: 2,500 平方米 建筑高度: 143 米 楼层数: 42 总建筑面积: 39,299 平方米
  • 出租单位 248
  • 客房 135
  • 奖项
    2012, Best Future Building, LEAF Awards 2019, SEAOI Excellence in Structural Engineering Award, Structural Engineers Association Of Illinois 2021, RIBA London Awards, Royal Institute Of British Architects
  • 合作者
    Martha Schwartz, Inc. Sandy Brown Gordon Ingram Associates WSP David Bonnet Associates (Accessibility Consultant) Arup Group Limited Hoare Lea BMT Defense Services, Ltd Greengage Paul Nulty Lighting Design


曼哈顿空中花园(原名:The Stratford)位于2012 年夏季奥运会的举办地伦敦斯特拉福德区。奥运会的成功举办让该区域得到了彻底改观——其中包括伦敦大学学院和伦敦时装学院的新校区,以及英国广播公司(BBC)、莎德斯威尔斯剧院和 V&A 博物馆区域。这些项目都为东伦敦带来了新的活力,而曼哈顿空中花园则是这些变更中浓墨重彩的一笔。

The Stratford Manhattan Loft Gardens
曼哈顿空中花园 图片版权 © SOM

这座 42 层高的建筑令人印象深刻:塔楼沿对角线切掉了两个三角形的区域,上面是悬挑的住宅楼层。深缺口内镶嵌着塔楼居民共享的户外景观空间,被誉为“空中花园”。这些垂直的绿色空间与伦敦传统的住宅广场和街景具有类似的社会功能,鼓励邻居之间的交流互动。悬挑式设计为花园层打造无柱的观景环境,创造了具有独特视野的公共空间。

© Hufton + Crow
© Hufton + Crow



从单身公寓到三室一厅,再到顶层公寓,各种单元类型和配置混合在一起,为建筑增添活力。这些单元不仅面积不同,体积也不同:平层公寓与 1.5 层的复式单元穿插在一起,给人以工业 LOFT 空间的品质感。

与场地配套的艺术作品提升了用户在这些空间内的体验。大厅里有一个由艺术家 Paul Cocksedge 创作的悬浮艺术品,让人联想到被风吹起的一束纸片。在建筑的开放式庭院里,由艺术家 Petroc Sesti  创作的雕塑高达七米,反射着光线,与周围的建筑交相辉映。


Kent Jackson


为了实现塔楼的双悬臂式设计,SOM 的建筑师和工程师综合团队设计了一个钢—混凝土的混合结构框架。通过尽量减少所需建筑材料的方法大大降低了施工成本和对环境的影响。外立面设计采用了透明和不透明材料的组合,最大限度地减少了日照热量的吸收,同时引入了自然光。多座空中花园是整体可持续性策略的一部分:用本地植物、喂食器和筑巢箱来吸引鸟类、蜜蜂和蝴蝶,这些绿色空间也为本区域内的生物多样性做出了贡献。

曼哈顿空中花园 整合了建筑、工程和室内设计,是 SOM 跨学科实践的成果,也是与愿意接受前沿想法,且颇有远见的开发商之间紧密合作的结果。


Engineering a solution

Achieving the tower’s double-cantilevered design was a literal balancing act: at the level of each sky garden, to open up expansive views, half of the perimeter columns are removed. The building essentially has the same challenges standing up as a tree with two gigantic notches chopped out of it,” says Dmitri Jajich, the structural engineering director for the project.

The team first proposed a system of trusses, all in heavy steel, to transfer the load from the perimeter to the building core. This would have been the strongest and lightest structural solution, but complex and time-consuming to build. In London, the most important financial consideration is not the cost of materials, but the time it takes to get a project built. “Our real triumph was not the engineering solution per se,” Jajich says, “but rather developing something that could be built without undue complexity and allowed the schedule to keep moving.”

MLG COnstruction

Ultimately the team found a hybrid solution that balances strength, efficiency, and constructability. A structural steel truss rings the perimeter of the level above each garden level, while a system of post-tensioned concrete connects the truss back to the concrete building core. By using concrete for both the core and transfer system, it could be built by the same construction crew, using the same material — saving time and allowing the project to be completed on budget.


We found a way to do something extraordinary, but to do it with conventional means as much as possible.

The post-tensioning strands used to reinforce the concrete transfer system are at the size and scale that might be used on urban infrastructure — much larger than anything typically used in residential buildings. “We’re not bridge designers, but we often have to design buildings that work more like bridges to get them built,” says Jajich. “When this challenge came up, we weren’t shy about tackling it.”


Another feat was optimizing the space around the robust structural framework on the two transfer floors. Usually, a building’s mechanical systems would be housed within these levels. Instead, the design team turned them into some of the building’s most distinctive living spaces.

“The steel members are exposed, and the concrete floors and walls were intentionally exposed to better explain the structure of the building to its occupants,” Design Partner Kent Jackson says. “It was an important way to bring out the character of the building and allow the residents to live within the structure.”

图片版权 © Hufton + Crow

视频制作者:Raftery + Lowe
视频制作者:Raftery + Lowe

