
  • 完成年份 2014
  • 设计完成年 2010
  • 尺寸 占地面积: 7.50 acres 建筑高度: 195 feet 楼层数: 11 总建筑面积: 361,700
  • 奖项
    2014, Excellence in Engineering, ASHRAE - Illinois Chapter 2014, Award of Merit, Structural Engineers Association of Northern California 2015, Justice Facilities Review: Citation, AIA – Committee on Architecture for Justice (CAJ) 2014, Excellence in Structural Engineering, Structural Engineers Association of California 2014, Excellence in Structural Engineering, National Council of Structural Engineers Association 2014, Award of Merit, Government/Public Building, Engineering News Record 2015, Award of Merit for Structural Systems Design, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) – Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) 2015, Citation Award, AIA San Francisco 2015, The Energy and Environmental Lighting Design Award, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America 2015, Structural Awards Short List, Institution of Structural Engineers
  • 可持续性认证 LEED BD+C NC (New Construction) Gold
  • 合作者
    Shen Milsom & Wilke Weidlinger Horton Lees Brogden Lighting Design (HLB) Kroll Security Group Dewberry Geopentech Saylor Consulting Group Ricce Greene Associates Edgett Wiliams Consulting Group Inc. (EWCG) Rolf Jensen & Associates Psomas & Associates Davis Langdon
  • 完成年份 2014
  • 设计完成年 2010
  • 尺寸 占地面积: 7.50 acres 建筑高度: 195 feet 楼层数: 11 总建筑面积: 361,700
  • 奖项
    2014, Excellence in Engineering, ASHRAE - Illinois Chapter 2014, Award of Merit, Structural Engineers Association of Northern California 2015, Justice Facilities Review: Citation, AIA – Committee on Architecture for Justice (CAJ) 2014, Excellence in Structural Engineering, Structural Engineers Association of California 2014, Excellence in Structural Engineering, National Council of Structural Engineers Association 2014, Award of Merit, Government/Public Building, Engineering News Record 2015, Award of Merit for Structural Systems Design, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) – Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) 2015, Citation Award, AIA San Francisco 2015, The Energy and Environmental Lighting Design Award, Illuminating Engineering Society of North America 2015, Structural Awards Short List, Institution of Structural Engineers
  • 可持续性认证 LEED BD+C NC (New Construction) Gold
  • 合作者
    Shen Milsom & Wilke Weidlinger Horton Lees Brogden Lighting Design (HLB) Kroll Security Group Dewberry Geopentech Saylor Consulting Group Ricce Greene Associates Edgett Wiliams Consulting Group Inc. (EWCG) Rolf Jensen & Associates Psomas & Associates Davis Langdon

该司法中心作为数十年来圣贝纳蒂诺(San Bernardino)最重要的单体建筑项目,联系了市中心多种开发尺度以统一城市肌理,在为城市建立醒目地标建筑的同时,又以充满活力的开放空间吸引大众。新建筑将之前分散在全县12栋不同大楼的职能部门集中到一起,提高了法院的效率。该设施不只是所在城市未来发展的典范。作为加州新法院一期建设中规模最大的项目,它更为全州大规模司法设施的设计指明了新的方向。


这座11层高的建筑位于地震多发区,且毗邻活跃和可能活跃的地震断层,比如圣哈辛托和圣安德烈亚斯断层(San Jacinto and San Andreas faults)等。它是加州第一座也是最高的采用基础隔震技术的新建法院建筑。结构的设计和施工均获得了最高程度的重视,以提高其长期抗震性。


